Principal Advisor, Financial Stability Institute (FSI)
Jeff oversees the development of FSI Connect tutorials, the BIS's e-learning tool for financial sector supervisors and central banks globally and is responsible for issues related to insurance, climate change and diversity and inclusion within the FSI. He represents the BIS in the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Policy Development Committee and in the supervision workstream of the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS). He co-chairs the NGFS Task Force on Capacity Building and Training. He has co-authored FSI Insights on topics including climate-related risks, artificial intelligence and cyber risk. Jeff is member of the BIS Diversity Steering Committee, Information Technology Steering Group and Environmental and Sustainability Steering Group.
Prior to joining the FSI, he was a member of the IAIS Secretariat supporting working groups dealing with solvency, actuarial and insurance group issues. Jeff has also worked at the Central Bank of Malaysia on actuarial-related and capital issues.
Jeff is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries, UK and a Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary. He is also a committee member of the Zurich Actuarial Society. He holds a degree in BSc. (Hons.) Actuarial Science from City University, London.