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2023 Asian Forum of Insurance Regulators

The Global Asia Insurance Partnership (GAIP) CEO, John Maroney took the stage at the 2023 Asian Forum of Insurance Regulators (AFIR). The theme of this year's forum was "Coping Effectively with Emerging Risks for Resilient and Robust Insurance Supervision".

Mr Maroney spoke about GAIP's work to help reduce Asia's protection gaps. He provided an overview of the work that GAIP has done the past year and the priority areas for next year. He also touched on key findings from work on the Covid-19 pandemic, climate risk pricing, and protection gaps.

"The AFIR is a platform to facilitate information exchange, knowledge dissemination and capacity building among the insurance industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Hence, it was a great opportunity to present GAIP's work at this forum. I was encouraged by the interest in GAIP's activities. I look forward to collaborating and working with the organisations and regulators that were present at the forum," said Mr Maroney.

The discussions during the meeting encompassed a spectrum of critical topics including climate risks, managing the rising flood risks in Asia, open insurance, emerging technologies and innovations in support of risk assessment and management, and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors' priorities and initiatives among others.

The 18th Annual Meeting and Conference of AFIR was held on 10 and 11 October in Kuala Lumpur and was attended by industry leaders, regulators, policymakers, and experts. The event was hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia.

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