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GAIP Launches Strategic Working Groups to Drive Partner Engagement and Value

The Global Asia Insurance Partnership (GAIP) has established three working groups to deepen partner engagement and ensure that its projects and initiatives deliver tangible value to partners. The working groups relates to the 3 aspects of i) Life and Health, ii) Non-Life, and iii) Regulatory and will comprise senior members from GAIP's partner firms.

The inaugural meetings of these working groups were recently held, where members discussed potential areas of exploration for GAIP, as well as ongoing projects and initiatives. A critical function of these groups is to ensure that the work of GAIP draws on the perspectives and expertise of our tripartite partners to bring tangible value to both the public and private insurance sectors, in driving for insurance sector development and the addressing of protection gaps.

"Being a tripartite organisation, it is crucial that we involve a stronger voice from our partners in shaping the direction, approach, and outcomes of GAIP's projects and initiatives. This will help us achieve our goal of being a long-term partner in the development of the insurance sector in Asia and globally, by delivering material value to our partners," said GAIP CEO John Maroney.

Members of the groups will convene quarterly to discuss and contribute to GAIP's projects and initiatives, ensuring they align with both partners' interests and GAIP's strategic objectives.

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