Consultant, Global Asia Insurance Partnership (GAIP)
After more than 20 years with the World Bank as the Lead Insurance Specialist, Craig Thorburn now is researching and consulting on insurance market development, policy, regulation and supervision. He has been closely involved with the Global Asia Insurance Partnership in their policy related workstream to reduce protection gaps.
At the World Bank, he provided technical assistance, published research, and managed projects that enhance insurance market development, policy, regulation and supervisory capacity across a global footprint. He also led the Bank's engagement with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) during this period.
Prior to joining the Bank, Craig was Australian Government Actuary then Chief of Life Insurance Supervision from 1996 to 2002. During this period, he also served as chair of the IAIS Committee on Solvency. Prior to joining the public sector, he held a number of positions in the private sector with mutual insurer and bancassurance group in Australia and New Zealand. He qualified as an actuary in 1987 and is a member of both Australian and North American Actuarial Associations.