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Learning from efforts to reduce the Protection Gap

The protection gap, the gap between total economic losses and the amount that is insured, is a significant and persistent challenge. Although many initiatives have been launched to reduce it, the protection gap remains particularly high in Asia compared to other regions and continues to grow.

GAIP's first paper on this topic, published in April 2023, discussed the concepts, definitions, calculations, and dynamics of protection gaps, as well as the relationship between the gap itself and the motivation of a range of stakeholders. The paper also briefly described the three categories of solutions that need to be considered holistically, in order to reduce protection gaps.

As a next step in GAIP's discussion on this topic, we have gone on to explore and study the three categories of solutions in more detail, seeking to understand what has been done, and what are the learnings to be gleaned from them. As many of these solutions can include Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), we also include an investigation into the role of PPPs in reducing the protection gaps. 

Author: Craig Thorburn

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