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Tools to assess mortality impact of COVID-19

Death Rate

This section lists the simulated death rates of each country under each simulation scenario from 2023 to 2082. Each file contains the simulated death rates of one quinquennial age group in a country. The age shown in the file name represents the starting age of the quinquennial age group.

Death Rate Multiplier

This section lists the ratio between each simulated death rate shown in the “Death Rate” section and the corresponding 2022 death rate of each quinquennial age group in each country. The age shown in the file name represents the starting age of the quinquennial age group.

R Codes for Estimation and Simulation

This section lists the R codes used for estimating parameters in the two-parameter-level model and for simulating death rates. It also shows two sample death rate files (.csv) as input for parameter estimation. The main R code file to use is “main.R”, which imports functions and operations from the other R files.

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